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$34.99 USD

The Quad Cortex offers an extensive range of high-quality amp and cabinet simulations, as well as a wide variety of effects. This versatility allows worship musicians to create an array of tones suitable for different worship styles, from intimate acoustic settings to more energetic and dynamic performances. 


That's why we  meticulously crafted and created this Worship Preset / Pack that includes captures from a VOX TB6 (British Made) Divided by 13 JRT 9/15, Bogner Shiva, Morgan AC20 and more to come. Also pedals that include Morning Glory, Kilt v1, 1982 Inventions. We also included our two highly acclaimed Impulse Responses to make this the most complete solution for Worship Players. 


In summary, the Quad Cortex is an exceptional choice for worship music due to its versatility, superior sound quality, ease of use, performance reliability, and seamless integration capabilities. It empowers worship musicians to craft inspiring tones, faithfully reproduce their instrument's sound, and deliver captivating worship experiences that resonate with the hearts of the congregation.

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